Writing Through Darkness: Giving Voice to My Hidden Truths
As my own writing practice evolves, I am meeting my inner poet.
I’m a little afraid.
Curious, greeting and welcoming this new voice.
It’s inviting me to get closer to understanding myself, my needs and my desires.
I’m learning this voice thrives in the darkness and shadows.
The safety of the unknown.
It doesn’t really want to be seen or heard.
For myself, let alone an audience.
(I’m even pressing publish pre-dawn before the clarity of light can stop me from posting.)
So it feels exposing and edgy to share.
And frankly quite grating in this format — but — I’m wanting to challenge myself.
And perhaps if i’m honest, to be seen.
Inner mirror
Crisp chill
Fresh perspective
In awe at the power of the inner mirror
of words on a page
A truth that can’t be denied
To author is to have authority
To self author is to fully embrace your agency, your power
To take control over your life and your story
To write is to connect to your self
To write, from your true self, is to live into your authenticity
To write, is to connect to your authority
To author is to authorise
To authorise is to legitimise
To give permission for what could be